Mar 30, 2024
My Learning Journey
Hello there! 👋
My name is Ralph Rosael, and I’m an information system student. I discovered my passion for coding in 2019 when I started learning on the freeCodeCamp website. The hands-on experience and challenges I encountered on the platform captivated me. Coding provided a unique blend of creativity and problem-solving, which resonated with me more than any other career option.
What fueled my interest in coding was the fulfillment of creating something meaningful and functional. Besides the hands-on experience on freeCodeCamp, what further solidified my passion for coding was the sense of community within the coding world. Acknowledging the importance of collaboration, I actively sought out and joined several developer communities. This not only broadened my perspective but also provided a supportive network of like-minded individuals who shared their insights and experiences.
One experience that stood out was my participation in Hacktoberfest 2023. Contributing to open-source projects during this event was about improving my coding skills and being part of something larger. It highlighted the real-world impact that collaborative coding efforts can have, and this sense of contributing to a community-driven initiative resonated deeply with me.
Comparing coding to other career paths, what became increasingly evident was the dynamic nature of the tech industry. Coding stood out as a field that constantly evolves, offering a landscape for continuous learning and growth. This adaptability ensures that there's always room to explore new technologies and stay at the forefront of innovation.
All in all, my journey into coding began with the immediate impact of hands-on projects on freeCodeCamp, but it evolved into a broader appreciation for the collaborative and ever-evolving nature of the coding community. This, coupled with my active involvement in initiatives like Hacktoberfest, convinced me that coding is not just a career choice but a passion that aligns with my desire for creativity, problem-solving, and continuous learning.
Arduino Project 2: Controlling an LED with a Button
This project demonstrates how to control an LED using a push button with an Arduino UNO. The button will act as the input, and the LED will serve as the output. By pressing the button, we will turn the LED on, and by releasing it, the LED will turn off. This experiment introduces the basic concepts of input and output control using Arduino components.
Read more →Arduino Project 1: Button State Detection
In this beginner-level Arduino project, we will utilize a simple push button to interact with the Arduino UNO board. The goal is to detect whether the button is pressed or not, with the state displayed on the Serial Monitor. This project serves as an introduction to reading digital input signals using an Arduino and understanding the basic concepts of input-output mechanisms in electronics.
Read more →How to Build and Publish NPM Package step-by-step.
Building and publishing an NPM package is a great way to share your code with others. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create, build, and publish your package.
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